Category: Monthly Themes

June 2022: Celebrating Blessings

For Celebration
From To Bless the Space Between Us, John O’Donohue (2008)
Now is the time to free the heart,
Let all intentions and worries stop,
Free the joy inside the self,
Awaken to the wonder of your life.
Open your eyes and see the friends,
Whose hearts recognize your face as … read more.

May 2022: Nurturing Beauty

Our theme for May is nurturing beauty. I don’t tend to spend a lot a time thinking about the concept of “beauty,” or the concept of “nurturing” for that matter, so pondering both at the same time is a challenge.
It’s hard not to think immediately … read more.

April 2022: Awakening

Awakening the Soul

One summer, in those liminal months between middle school and high school, I rode my bike to the library nearly every day and checked out books. I must have read close to a hundred books that summer, one after the other devoured sprawled … read more.

March 2022: Renewing Faith

It’s been a long couple of years coming through this COVID-19 pandemic! Our hustle bustle lives of go-go-go with little to no boundaries came to a…. whoa…wait… what?! A shutdown! Really, in this 21st century? Crazy! Really? What a reality check! A virus from the … read more.

January 2022: Living with Intention

One thing I really appreciate about UUism is the unique lack of certainty. There is no great promise to believe in. We do not try to explain the unexplainable. It is OK to not have all the answers; it is good to ask questions. My curiosity pulls me into the oddest … read more.

December 2021: Opening to Joy

Lately, we’ve been thinking a lot about what it means to be a part of a covenantal community. A covenant, at its core, is an agreement between two or more people. In the context of Unitarian Universalism, we have come to understand it (in part) … read more.

November 2021: Holding History

“History” provides us with a story larger than the epic saga we make about ourselves (our identity).  Just as You as a being exist differently in your own and everyone else’s mind, history is not a monolithic truth. We do all sorts of things to get other people to … read more.

October 2021: Cultivating Relationship

The UUA suggested theme for October is “Cultivating a Relationship”.   As a First Parish Board member, I wondered what I could say about this, since I am not exactly a philosophical thinker (I believe Susan’s term for someone like me is “linear”).
The first thing that … read more.